Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Monday Morning w/ Evan!

It was another Aunt Lane and Evan Day yesterday. Kate wasn't feeling very well so I just took E in the morning so she could go back to bed! We headed to The Ernie Miller Nature Center where we met up with Aunt Julia and Jayden. The boys had a blast just running around while Julia and I chatted.

We made a stop at the thrift store on the way home. I had seen a jacket there the day before but I wasn't paying $12.99 for it. Good thing I waited because it was 75% off the next day! Score!

Evan headed straight for the toy rack. For the boy who loves hats I couldn't say no when he asked me so nicely. He slapped on the hard hat and told me he had many projects he had to get done when he gets home!

I cherish the times I get to spend with my nephews and I look forward to spending the day with my sweet little niece next Friday. Her Mama keeps spending me pictures which I love but they don't compare to holding her and loving on that sweet little face!

10 more days Jentry!! Aunt Lane's Coming!

Saturday, March 24, 2012


Jentry Ann Mader

Born: March 22, 2012 8lbs 7oz 21in long

The Maders are doing well and enjoying their new little addition!

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Thursday, March 22, 2012

A Special Day!

This day couldn’t be more special that my first nephew and niece share the same birthday!!! Evan turned 3 today and Bobbi Jo made her arrival this afternoon. Just got a text from her Mama that said “Get your butt here!” So we are heading out the door to go meet the little princess!!! Happy Birthday my Sweets! 
I’m so proud to be your Aunt!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

One of those Days....

As if the weather can’t be more depressing this week I chose to get a jump start on Spring Cleaning. The rest of the house has stayed clean but the guest room has become a dumping ground for all the crap I don’t want to put away. Papers, Holiday Décor, books etc, It is like my Junk Room. 

I have been putting cleaning it off for over 2 months because I didn’t know where to start. I set the timer for two hours and believe it or not it’s finally clean. And bonus everything is back in their labeled tubs!

I started making a garage sale pile so it didn’t take long for me to toss stuff out. And don’t ask how many piles of trash I took out. Paper is like the death of me!

Since I had been so successful in my clean up I thought why not just fix a few more things. Our bed sits on a wood frame that has been driving me NUTS during the night when either of us moves around. (FYI the best sleep we have ever had was in a sleep number so first house, then sleep number, then baby! Ha!)

Once Hubs came home we pulled up the mattress, tightened the very loose screws and discovered the gross amount of dog hair since that’s where Levi sleeps. Pulled out the Dyson and vacuumed away. First knocking off the Ipad with the cord that was charging, then vacuuming and not seeing the string from his Brian’s gym shorts that got sucked right up, made a horrible noise and vacuum no more. ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME! Oh to top off the night I slammed my hand in the bathroom door which made me set down all my cleaning supplies, ice my black and blue hand and go to bed in my bed that STILL squeaks. Good lord. What a day!

Bright side….it’s induction day for Baby Mader tomorrow! Hopefully by Thursday we will get to hold that beautiful baby girl in our arms and finally call her by her name!!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Happy St. Patty's Day!

It was a fun filled Saturday full of good food and green beer!! The morning started with the McNeil family celebrating Evan’s 3rd birthday! It was a motorcycle theme and the birthday boy looked cuter than ever stealing a taste of frosting! 

I found a cute Doctor’s outfit at Toy’s R Us. Took it to a Monogram shop in Overland Park and for under $10 it was personalized just for him!

He got some cool shades from a friend and a guitar from Aunt Julia where he showed off his cool moves. He tested out his Doctor’s Kit at the party and then later that night he was all geared up taking care of Mom and Dad in these cute pics I stole from Kate!

 After the party I headed down to Wesport to meet up with the girls! I found some cute green jeans from Loft that I was so excited about but really wish it wasn't 80 degrees. I was toasty!

It’s not St. Pat’s Day without Irish Car Bombs and a few shots with the girls!

Thankfully my Aunt Cyndi picked up Annabelle and I to head to her house to enjoy the traditional corned beef and cabbage! Ohh it was sooo yummy! I don’t have a group pic from this year but here are some funny ones from last year!

Brian missed out on corned beef since he was in Wichita for the weekend playing in a golf tournament but of course Aunt Cyndi packed him a to-go meal that he enjoyed the next day!

It was a fun weekend with friends and family! But today I will be lounging and recovering from the good food and green beer!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Have any of you ever watched the show King of Queens?

If you do next time you watch it think of Brian as Doug and me as Carrie but I promise I’m not that mean! We have assigned our friends as the rest of the characters but we still need an Arthur. Any volunteers?

The latest episode was when their best friends Kelly and Deacon found a new couple to hang out with so Doug and Carrie went out in search for a new couple to hang out with. It made me laugh thinking that Brian and I should do the same thing. Most of Brian’s friends live out of town and my friends are single. Makes trying to found a couple to hang out with pretty difficult. This past weekend Brian went to Wichita and is headed there this weekend to play golf with the guys. I was fighting a cold so I missed out on Second Saturday at Fake Patty’s Day in Manhattan but will be able to celebrate this weekend with the girls in KC. I’m sure once we have kids we will find some couples but we aren’t ready for kids. We still like to go out for drinks and stay out late, go on trips, be young and fun. Without friends in town or a couple to go out with it has made the last 3 weeks pretty uneventful.

The only excitement has been making it to 6 months on March 6th without a Diet Coke. Like I wrote on my facebook wall…“It has been 6 months since I said goodbye to my beloved friend. Diet Coke…I miss you!” I’m sure some people are like oh my… isn’t that a bit dramatic….maybe… but not to me. I enjoyed a DC everyday since I can remember I can’t believe I haven’t needed one. I actually had a dream last night that I went into QT and just went up and filled up my cup with Diet Coke. Took a drink and then puked. Ha. I’m sure that wouldn’t happen but it makes me not want to try it!

This weekend we are all celebrating Evan’s 3rd Birthday Party and St. Patrick’s Day with our friends! Baby Mader should be arriving in the next week! Thankfully the uneventful 3 week spell is ending!