Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, November 28, 2011

The McNeil Family Christmas Tree

It has been a tradition in the McNeil family to have a real tree. In the Clothier household we do the fake thing. So I gave into getting a real tree when we started living together. I’m not a huge fan because I don’t think you can ever find the perfect shape, I never notice them having the “tree” smell and they die leaving needles all over the place.

Until this year….I think we found the perfect tree! See…

Yesterday we headed out to find our tree. The place we have gone the past 3 years closed last season so we first tried a place down the street. They had some good trees but were kinda $$$. We then headed over to Bierman's Christmas Tree Farm and it was like we had hit the tree jackpot! We spotted the perfect tree right away. Hubby grabbed the saw and cut it down. I think this is his favorite part! We also enjoyed some Hot Cocoa and cookies before heading home.

We put the Christmas tunes on and spent the rest of the day decorating the house inside & out. This is by far my favorite time of the year. I love our little family traditions and look forward to sharing them with our kids some day!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

A Cousin Weekend

How many cousins can you fit on one couch?

Every year after Thanksgiving dinner we go to my Aunt Cyndi’s for chili. She wasn’t having everyone over this year so I invited all the cousins over for the night. It was a blast getting together. We enjoyed good conversation and some rounds of Timmy! Timmy! Sophie my 10- year cousin was there to entertain us with her one-liners. Man that girl is funny!

Girl Cousins!

Saturday once we got back from Topeka we headed over to Brad’s house to see our Uncle Jim. Brad is Annabelle’s boyfriend and my Uncle Jim was staying with them for the weekend. My Aunt & Uncle divorced a few years ago so the last time we saw him was at our wedding. I don’t think you could of asked for a better greeting. He gave us lots of hugs and kisses and was thrilled to see us.

Sister! Sister!

We spent the evening laughing and catching up. Most of the stories were inappropriate of course but that’s us! Sophie said it best, “Brad if you're going to stay with us you're going to have to learn our family is crazy!" Fortunately for me, Brian loves my crazy family. And they love him! It was a fun cousin weekend and great time seeing our Uncle Jim!

We love our Crazy Uncle Jim!

See...Brian fits in perfectly!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Gone Too Soon....

I started a post on Sunday asking everyone to fit Heidi into his or her prayers but never got the chance to finish it before work that night. Unfortunately, Heidi lost her battle with lung cancer the next morning. The beautiful Heidi ‘Garren’ Everley passed away Monday, November 21st, 2011 at 7:27am surrounded by her friends and family at home.

She had really gone downhill in the last 2 weeks but I never thought she would go so soon. Especially since my sister-in-law Kate was just with her at the Lung Run last Sunday. She flew to Tennessee the next day for a trial that looked promising but was turned away because she was too sick.

The visitation was the hardest for me last night. Hugging her husband, seeing the tears in his eyes and crying with her sister Lisa and mom Linda just killed me. She was their rock.

Many attended the funeral today and I was happy to see her daughter Hayden was there. It broke my heart when she looked down to see her mom one last time before they closed the casket. Many people will help Hayden remember her Mommy but unfortunately Parker is too young. I’m sure his big sis will tell him all about her!

Hayden came right up to me after the service. She is such a beautiful and smart little girl. I told her I have lots of coloring books to bring over next time I come to baby-sit. Her only request was that Brian comes too!

I have many memories with Heidi way back when she was a lifeguard at Briarwood to recently having her help celebrate my graduation. I was honored to have her attend our wedding and lucky to have Hayden be a part of it. I have beautiful gifts given to me by her family that I will treasure forever.

I will forever remember her radiant smile. She was such a fighter and an inspiration to us all.

Rest in peace Heidi….

Friday, November 25, 2011

So Thankful

I look forward to Turkey Day every year not only for all the yummy food but also for the time we get to spend with our families! This year we spent it with the McNeil side. We tried the whole eating 2 dinners one year and we were miserable. We stopped by my Grandparent’s house early in the day to see everyone before heading over to Matt & Kate’s. The food looked so yummy and Brian was tempted to dig in. I grabbed a serving of my Aunt Cyndi’s mashed potatoes, the ones made with cream cheese and garlic in them. Yummy!

The McNeil clan has become quite larger since I joined. I remember when there were only 2 tables and now there are 3 plus a kid’s table! Next year there will be two more additions to the bunch and who knows how many there will be in 2013. I love it! The more the merrier!

The food at the McNeil’s was worth the wait! Everything was delicious. Our plates were salad size and of course Brian complained but I didn’t. It was perfect. I didn’t go back for seconds and I can say this was the first Thanksgiving I wasn’t stuffed. I was satisfied as they teach us in WW. LoL

It couldn’t have been a more beautiful day. The boys burned off their dinner playing football while the girls chatted inside. We gathered everyone together for the traditional couch picture. It shows how much the group has grown as they use to all fit on the couch!

This year I am extremely thankful for my husband, my job, my health, my wonderful family and friends and all the other many blessings the Lord has given me.

I hope each and every one of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving as well!

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Thursday, November 24, 2011


I'm running out the door to go get my grub on but I was too excited not to share. Stepping on the scale this morning showed that I have lost 21 POUNDS. Secretly 20 pounds was my goal by Thanksgiving but remember I told myself I wasn't going to have a deadline. It feels good and the gift to myself was a pair of jeans 2 sizes smaller! Score!

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Melting Pot

It was a girl’s night out with a few of my close friends Saturday night. Addie and Shannon came up and along with Julianna we enjoyed a fun dinner at The Melting Pot. We all recently found out that Shannon and her fiancĂ© Trent will be expecting their first baby together in May. She is the first one of us to have a baby, which seems so crazy. I know I’m married but a baby…? I guess we are getting old! LoL I’m super excited for them so it was fun to celebrate the good news with her!

Dinner was great as usual. My favorite part is still dessert! Yummy! It was so fun to together with the girls. I wish we did it more often because I love our time together. Maybe I will think of something so it becomes a monthly thing! Here I go again always being the planner of the group!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Picture Day

I headed over to Matt & Kate's yesterday to help take their pictures for Christmas cards. They all looked great but the sun and 2 toddlers made it quite the challenge. Chocolate was my go to bribe. Not sure it worked to well! Jayden was a little character when he was getting his picture taken. He would say, “Cheese!” and once he heard the camera click he would say, “That’s a good one!” Everytime…I sure did get a kick out of it!

I stole the first 2 pictures from Kate. I love the B&W picture of the Robinson/McNeil clan. And these silly cousins are just so thrilled that pictures are over!

After lunch I headed out to watch Evan play. I was messing with my camera and then he wanted to take a picture with me. Aunt Lane wasn’t going to pass that up. His Mama caught this cute picture of us.

Last night my Mama headed up to go to dinner with the Johnson gals. Jil and Steve were my parent’s neighbors when they bought their first house in Topeka. They now live in Great Bend. Lyndsee is a senior at KSU and Mitch is a junior in High School. Jil was the wonderful Mary Kay lady who did everyone’s make-up for the wedding!

We enjoyed a yummy Mexican dinner followed by an hour trip in Charming Charlies. If you have never been it's every accessory lovers dream! It’s what I would consider heaven! LoL

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Wassenberg Weekend

Last night I helped Brian and Emily celebrate their special day. It was a beautiful wedding with a bride who looked like a princess! The festivities started off on Friday with a Bridal Luncheon at the Webster House, followed by a trip to the spa, the rehearsal and then dinner at Brio. Saturday we were up by 7 and the day flew by until my head hit the pillow around 1am. Only getting 3 hours of sleep before this all began could probably explain why I spelt till 2pm today! I’m exhausted but had a blast and I was so glad they asked me to be a part of it! Here is my favorite picture of the night. I will post a Smilebox one of these days…

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Kinda slacking on my Tubby Tuesday Posts but I'm excited to share that I reached my 5% goal (well back in September but I never shared) and now I'm just a few pounds away from my 10% goal. I have received three 5lb milestone stickers which is hard to believe just a few months ago I was 15 pounds heavier. I've started to notice a little in my clothes but still got a ways to go. I'm excited that my food habits have changed with a few little splurges here and there but I have continued to track my points, incorporate exercise, give up Diet Coke and HAVE PATIENCE. It's a lifestlye change and I'm in for the long run!

Weekly Weigh-In (Last 2 weeks)
Lane: Down 3lb Total: 17
Brian: Down 2.5 Total: 14

Emily and Bryan's Wedding Weekend is finally here! I can't wait to help them celebrate! Stay tuned for pictures!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Here is how I spent my Halloween.....

Me & My co-worker Amber

Here is how Brian spent his Halloween.....

Who is the lucky one?

Some may say Brian but I beg to differ as I got to hang out with the cute kiddos all night and go Trick or Treating! I guess you could say it was a tie as he along with my Dad and brothers enjoyed an awesome game.

To top off a great day I even received a Thank You photo from the cutest football player for his Halloween card we sent him!

Thank You Mom & Dad for the Halloween card and gift card to the movies! We can't wait to use it!

I hope everyone's day was filled with lots of Tricks & Treats!